The 1948 film Louisiana Story tried to assure audiences that the oil industry was a steward of civilized progress and a steward of a pristine environment.
Oil Wipes brings visibility to that which occurs daily in the Gulf, along the Bayou, the wetlands and reaches a once pristine environment.
OIL, Rescued from Nature
“Keep drilling, Johnny, keep drilling”
yelled Steve Martin, played by actor James Stewart, in the 1953 film Thunder Bay, a dramatic profile of actual events in the Louisiana offshore oil industry. “There’s oil out there, somebody’s got to get it.”
There was urgency in his voice, in his belief that for the good of humankind, oil must be rescued from nature, from those millions of years.
Mud, Grease and Rust – a thing of beauty and majesty.
The 1948 film Louisiana Story tried to assure audiences that the oil industry was a steward of civilized progress and a steward of a pristine environment.
Oil Wipes brings visibility to that which occurs daily in the Gulf, along the Bayou, the wetlands and reaches a once pristine environment.
Dust is everywhere. It travels through the oceanic distribution, through atmospheric travel and in urban areas as domestic dust comes into the built environment.
On earth it generally consists of fine particles in the air that come from natural and man-made sources- soil to pollution.
I present a vintage basket filled with doll heads and an accumulation of many, many years of Dust.