Frances enjoys the idea that her work will “make boys cry” and honor the power women’s sex appeal has on them—“them” being the crying boys.

Angela Frances grew up in Austin, Texas, and moved to New York in 2009. 
She believes that feminism is equality between the sexes and that it is something we have not achieved. Socially and economically, men have more power and clout than women. But, when it comes to sexuality, women have the majority of the power (over straight men) if they choose to exercise it. Boys become automatically weaker than Frances when sexuality is introduced, and it’s something she’s not only learned to capitalize on but exploits when it serves her.
She enjoys people’s interpretations of her work and likes to know what they see rather than telling them “what it’s all about.” Some pieces, more obvious than others, are full of femininity, admiration, sexuality, and love. Frances enjoys the idea that her work will “make boys cry” and honor the power women’s sex appeal has on them—“them” being the crying boys. 
With a background in marketing, sales, modeling, and entertainment, her work expresses all that she has been through in her life, including love, work, and her own experiences in the art world.