Life painting creates a synergy, encouraging a sense of responsibility to  our fellow man and our natural world. It awakens our sense of life. In painting realistically from life, one is forced to completely humble himself to Nature; to study what is before him and not impose any dogmas or preferences.
I love drawing from life. My work is created from a live model as a studio project or teaching demonstration for my drawing Atelier, For commissions, I reference photos, but I am interested in the discipline of working from life, and I am continuing this tradition through my artwork and Atelier.
While great and entertaining, the advancing technologies of our Digital Age are having side effects, which, as a society, we must address. The isolating tendencies of smartphones, video games, television, computers, etc., can leave us disconnected from our immediate environment. By working from life in the classical realist tradition, we are more engaged in the life in front of us, actively appreciating our world in the moment of production. 
Life painting creates a synergy, encouraging a sense of responsibility to our fellow man and our natural world. It awakens our sense of life. In painting realistically from life, one is forced to humble himself to Nature completely, to study what is before him, and not impose any dogmas or preferences. The caliber of this servility is becoming overlooked in our culture, and we must work to revive it. The great thing is that it's easy to do. One must be aware of this connection and paint or draw from life. Don't fear any lack of ability to draw; it comes. Don't worry if your work is well received; it's for you. Just have fun and study whatever is in front of you. You will slowly feel its warming effect on your spirit, and I guarantee it will bring you happiness and connect you to our wonderful world. Faith in this creative process and your ability to achieve it can change your life.